As part of our 135-year celebrations, we’ve tooled up and we’re showing off!
As the original designers and manufacturers of the Antiluce™ fastener, we’re celebrating with a limited-edition ‘135 years’ engraving to celebrate the milestone.

Antiluce™ fasteners are a strong representation of how the company has evolved over the years. Designed and manufactured by Albert Jagger in 1949, patented for 20 years, reshored back to Britain in 2020 and now manufacturing over 15,000 fasteners a week!
In an industry full of copies…. Buy quality, buy the original.
👉 Made in Britain
👉 Internationally recognised specification
👉 Independently tested
Designed, engineered, delivered. Upon rigorous testing (ASTIM B117), results show that our Antiluce™ fasteners showed no red corrosion after 504 hours.
• 1st White Corrosion - 216 Hours
• 5% White Corrosion - 336 Hours
• 1st Red Corrosion - >504 Hours
Testing report available upon request
Serving the transport, industrial and marine markets over the last 135 years allows us to bring innovation, excellent service, and high-quality products.
Poor quality increases costs – check your suppliers today.
Click here to view our full range of Antiluce™ fasteners